
評分4.5(101)·這個延伸套件能存取你所有網站的資料。ThisExtensioncanreadandmodifybookmarks.Thisextensioncancreaterichnotificationsanddisplaythem ...,Suspendyourbrowsertabstosavememory.KeepyourcomputerrunningquicklywiththeWorkonaTabSuspender.Youcanchoosetosuspendtabs ...,暂停您不使用的选项卡以节省内存使用量并使您的计算机运行得更快。减少设备和电池的负载。自动暂停当前未使用的选项卡。它实际上是为了管...

Tab Suspender (Tab Unloader) 延伸套件

評分 4.5 (101) · 這個延伸套件能存取你所有網站的資料。 This Extension can read and modify bookmarks. This extension can create rich notifications and display them ...

Tab Suspender by Workona

Suspend your browser tabs to save memory. Keep your computer running quickly with the Workona Tab Suspender. You can choose to suspend tabs ...

Tab Suspender

暂停您不使用的选项卡以节省内存使用量并使您的计算机运行得更快。 减少设备和电池的负载。 自动暂停当前未使用的选项卡。 它实际上是为了管理已使用 ...

Tab Suspender

Automatically suspend, park, hibernate inactive tabs and save up to 80% of memory, reduce load on your device, battery and heat.

sergey-drpaTab-Suspender: Tab Suspender for Chrome

Automatically suspend, park, hibernate inactive tabs and save up to 80% of memory, reduce load on your device, battery and heat. If you like ...

The Great Suspender 不能用了怎麼辦?來找尋替代方案!

結論. The Great Suspender 仍然可以繼續使用,因為他是開源專案,意即程式碼公開在Github 上面的專案。而這次的事件是因為Chrome 商店是有「擁有者」這個 ...

If you like to use many open Tabs at once - this extension will help you. Extension suspend, park, hibernate inactive tabs and save up to 80% of memory.

Best tab suspender for Chrome, Firefox, & Edge

Keep all your tabs open without slowing down your computer. Suspend tabs automatically or on demand with one click. Available for Chrome, Firefox, & Edge.

Is there a trusted & safe tab suspender extension for Chrome?

My extension can solve your problem. It can set inactive tabs to be suspended (Chrome calls it discard) or closed at a specified time, and can close all ...